Wood-Destroying Beetle Control

Serving Customers Like Family Since 1989
While termites are uncommon in our region, there are other Wood Destroying pests that homeowners should be aware of. While they may not do as much damage as termites, they must be managed and monitored because to the possibility of structural damage to the property.


The most frequent wood-destroying pests we encounter are Long-Horned Beetles, Powder-Post Beetles, and Carpenter Ants. Each one is rather easy to identify in person or even from a high-quality photograph.


Carpenter Ants are the simplest to eradicate. The treatment plan includes an initial intensive period followed by 2-3 monthly follow-ups. Most other wood-destroying pests need treating the whole exposed wood surface area throughout the home; however, this is often a one-time treatment that is effective eternally.


Carpenter ant treatment will require monthly follow-ups for a period of two to three months to guarantee the nest is eradicated. Other treatments are intended to be one-time.


Carpenter Ants will not re-establish a nest if treated once every two years along the external perimeter of your house or company. A single treatment of all unfinished/uncoated wood surfaces will prevent the infestation of any other Wood-Destroying Insects.


We guarantee total elimination of the nest and all insects on treated surfaces if all prescribed follow-ups are followed. Additionally, we guarantee that Carpenter Ants will not return throughout the balance of the warm season. For the majority of other wood-destroying insects, we guarantee that they will not re-infest following a single treatment. However, these pests can continue to emerge from the wood for up to 2-3 years following treatment, but they quickly perish.

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    Serving Northern Wisconsin since 1989, Prompt Action Pest Control is a family owned and operated professional pest control company.
    2001 Franklin Street, 
    Wausau, WI 54403
    info@wausaupestcontrol.com+1 (715) 845-6018
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